What’s in the fridge

My fridge was a craaaaazy mess recently.

Yeah, that bag there? See it? It’s full of strawberries. We picked them in baskets, but once purchased they got dumped into a plastic bag.

There’s quite the mixture of  health food and junk food, too.

I spy some brown rice & yogurt alongside some Yoo-Hoo…

hmmm, there’s some cherry tomatoes tossed on top of some sort of leftover casserole. I’m sure you get those in your fridge, too. Once they are covered with foil; they become mysteries. I wish “they” could make clear foil.  I know there’s plastic wrap & press n’ seal. But… some things just can’t do what foil does.

Flax oil. Gotta get those good fats, ya know.

Okay, I see a HUGE food no-no… looks like a can-o-something that was left in its can.

I wonder who did that?

I also see some pasta sauce I best use ASAP. And some items I need to toss ASAP.

This is my fridge post holiday.

It will look MUCH better pre-holiday.

😉 Whenever that is.

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whats in the fridge

It’s the New Year and I have officially resolved to be more active here. Starting with what’s in my fridge….

My fridge is jam-packed… and I have to say I am very fortunate and blessed for it. I need to get busy on my produce…I may need help from Joey though. Who’s Joey? Oh, you’ll see….

Exhibit A~is a plate of leftovers too much to toss, and not enough for a meal. I’ll have to nibble that today.

Exhibit B + C ~ See those pretty tins? One holds rum balls for my man and the other holds gingerbread truffles for me. Mmmm!

Exhibit D ~ leftover evaporated milk. I didn’t know what to do with…I  probably should toss that.

Exhibit E ~ leftover black royal icing. I may need to toss that, too.

Exhibit F ~ some wine… mainly for recipes at this point. 😉

Exhibit G-Z ~ an assortment of produce for me and Joey.


It got cold here last night so he had to come in the garage… it took both myself and my hubby to get him in there.

shhh… he’s sleeping.

As far as what I have planned for this site in the new year?

Two big things:

I will be sharing my (mis) adventures in cheesemaking…

and… sewing. I know. Total susie-homemaker. But I will vamp it up. Don’t worry. 😉

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what’s in the fridge 8/3/11

Woah. It’s been a while since I did one of these.

But, that’s good – there’s more new stuff now. Yay.

Let’s do it court-room style!

Exhibit A: Mmm, strawberries. These babies were just 99¢. And, no they’re not all mushy.

Exhibit B: Is a cute little pitcher from Ikea. What’s inside of that pitcher? That happens to contain honey-vanilla syrup for my honey vanilla waffles.

Exhibit C: Two bowls of leftovers. One is green beans and one is spagetti-o’s. I was really lazy when I put them in the fridge.

Exhibit D: Salsa. Store bought, store brand, medium heat.

Exhibit E, F, Salsa: Store bought, fresh variety, medium and hot.

Exhibit G: Hard to see… I could tell you that they are shrunken heads from a tribe in the southwest region of the northwestern continent of Mars. But… you’d know I’d be lying typing. What do you call it if you’re lying but typing? Hmmm. Oh! They are avocados, by the way. Florida avocados.

Exhibit H: Oranges. That’s what happens when my 74-year-old mom goes to Costco. She buys a box of oranges, and realizes she really only wanted 3.

Exhibit I, J, and K: As you can see I finally drank some wine. That big bottle there? That is way too dry for my liking. So, I will have to cook up something with that. The other is a Pinot Noir that was a gift. Yes, I keep my reds chilled. It’s too damn hot to drink anything not chilled.  I’m sure you know what I mean. 🙂

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what’s in the fridge 6/21/11

Well… I have really been slacking here, huh?

I even did a Father’s day craft and forgot to take pictures…I’m sorry.

But, you know what? I will be taking a trip soon, so I will have all sorts of random photos and commentaries for y’all.

That will be fun.

Let’s see what’s going on in my fridge this week:

Exhibit A:  My daughters snack cup filled with tomatoes. She’s part turtle, I think.

Exhibit B:   Did I ever tell you about my awesome Cuban neighbors that keep us supplied with homemade black beans?

Exhibit C:  My produce market had THE BEST strawberries recently.

Exhibit D:  Guinness, for my Guinness Flank Steak

Exhibit E: Leftovers from the coolest bar, ever

Exhibit F:  A  big ol’ bag of shredded cheese, because we’re cheesy.

Exhibit G:  Wet dog food, so my boxer will take her allergy medicine- shh don’t tell her- she thinks it’s a treat.

Exhibit H:  A bowl of plums, peaches and mangoes I need to eat.

Exhibit I, J, K:   Jalapenos, and unknown leftovers….

Exhibit L,M,O:    That wine is still there…

and, finally P-Z is random greenery and produce….

So, what’s in your fridge?


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what’s in the fridge 5/27/11

I decided to show you my fridge as exhibits A-H today:

Exhibit A is something leftover. I’m not sure what. It may be a taco, or an ear of corn. You know what? Let me get off my lazy butt and see. I’ll be right back.

It’s leftover white lasagna with spinach and basil. Yum.

Exhibit B is leftover corn. I’m lucky because a cold, cooked ear of corn entertains my toddler like a rawhide bone and a puppy. Did I just compare my kid to a dog? I think so… but I’m her mama so I’m allowed. And, I happen to adore dogs.

Exhibit C is a new roasted garlic flavor sour cream I bought. You know, to keep the vampires away. 😉

Exhibit D is green peppers and a cantaloupe that wouldn’t fit in the veggie and fruit bin. Why? Because jalapenos and corn were on sale and I stocked up.

Exhibit E is a peanut butter pie with a cookie crust. Oh yeah!

Exhibit F is a – get this can of pancake & waffle batter. I had a coupon. It was free. It may be interesting…

Finally exhibits g,h,i, and j are my almond milk, half and half and red and white wines. I’m well-rounded. I like my non dairy, dairy, red and white.

I just don’t ever mix em. 😉

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