about this site…

This is the site where you will find the more personal side of my life, rants, raves and the little daily things that make me crazy, good and bad! My goal is to try to document things that are funny sad and everywhere in between. Here is where you can see a day in the life of mamakeith. I will try to post daily, as with my other site, http://domesticatedmama.blogspot.com that’s where you can find more useful information ie, cooking and domestic stuff. I hope you enjoy!

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It rained. And rained… this is the puddle in our front yard. My daughter loves la-la. Which, to her means water. That started when her dad asked her if she wanted wa-wa for water… wa-wa became la-la, and it stuck. She calls the beach the big la-la. I know one day she’ll say water like the rest of the english speaking world…. right now I love her “words”.

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