treasures in daily life

This poor little blog. It’s always getting overshadowed by it’s other half (you know the one with the recipes?) But. Not. Anymore.

Because I have life going on, and some of y’all don’t always need a recipe in your face.

Sometimes, you might just want a peek into someone else’s world. Maybe to see that you don’t need a dishwasher… or that fancy perfectly decorated and organized home… sometimes it’s nice to see life just how it happens. Because there are treasures in everyday life.

That’s real life.

So, we got a puppy. Or… a puppy got us.

I think it’s the latter. But… there was also an Easter egg hunt this week… my daughter wouldn’t let me take her picture, so I had the kid with the basket head.


I snuck outside the doors before the crowd of preschooler were let loose to hunt. I knew she’d be distracted and not have time to get her basket on. (heh, heh, heh….)





Total score.


So, this puppy found us… I wrote about it here

I need to get some pictures of my stepdaughter with the pup, but unfortunately… the puppy’s “homecoming” kept her interest for only a half hour. Preteens. Go figure.

My youngest daughter, however… has not let up.



Which, I’m fine with because it gives me some cool photo ops. I have all these old 1940s pictures of my mom when she was little with her fox terrier, it’s kind of neat to get these pictures today. I’m thinking of making some sort of display, with the old an the new. Yep, I’ll add that to the “list”. My ever grwoing list of crafts and ideas for when I have a “free day”. Then, when ever I get a “free day” I end up organizing the junk drawer. Ugh- my priorities get so screwed up sometimes.

Today I’m attempting to make some royal icing decorations for our Easter cake.

Bunnies and carrots and stuff… you know.



But, even if I never get to my list… I’m content that I was able to capture these moments……


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whats in the fridge

It’s the New Year and I have officially resolved to be more active here. Starting with what’s in my fridge….

My fridge is jam-packed… and I have to say I am very fortunate and blessed for it. I need to get busy on my produce…I may need help from Joey though. Who’s Joey? Oh, you’ll see….

Exhibit A~is a plate of leftovers too much to toss, and not enough for a meal. I’ll have to nibble that today.

Exhibit B + C ~ See those pretty tins? One holds rum balls for my man and the other holds gingerbread truffles for me. Mmmm!

Exhibit D ~ leftover evaporated milk. I didn’t know what to do with…IĀ  probably should toss that.

Exhibit E ~ leftover black royal icing. I may need to toss that, too.

Exhibit F ~ some wine… mainly for recipes at this point. šŸ˜‰

Exhibit G-Z ~ an assortment of produce for me and Joey.


It got cold here last night so he had to come in the garage… it took both myself and my hubby to get him in there.

shhh… he’s sleeping.

As far as what I have planned for this site in the new year?

Two big things:

I will be sharing my (mis) adventures in cheesemaking…

and… sewing. I know. Total susie-homemaker. But I will vamp it up. Don’t worry. šŸ˜‰

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covered boxes

I admit it, I’m a little weird sometimes.Ā  For instance, I am currently saving used toilet paper rolls for an awesome holiday craft. Yes, I just said awesome and toilet in the same sentence. See… I’m a weirdo.

So, the other day, I found this box. It was one of those perfect boxes. It was just the right size and strength for magazines and books, and it happened to fit perfectly next to my computer desk. The problem? It was just a cardboard box, and honestly… it would look ghetto if I just left it like that. I’m sure you understand.

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wet burritos

This is my husbands 2nd favorite meal.

I made it for him when he’s had a hard day, when I have screwed up…and sometimes when it’s rainy.

He calls them “fun-ritoes”

It brings out the 12 year old boy in him.

It makes awesome leftovers .

I posted the recipe for it a long time ago here.

And, I snapped this picture the last time I made it.

I was thinking of doing over the whole post and recipe, but I only had one pic, so instead I decided to just tell you what “fun-ritos” means in my little home.


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before and after

I totally should do segments on before and after. Like: before I cleaned my bathroom and after.

Keepin’ it real…

Before laundry…after laundry…before make up after make up…before sweating my booty off by going on a walk, and after. Ooo, this list could get ugly.

Anyway, remember my kitchen tour?

Well, even though I am still waiting on the upper cabinets, I decided to paint. Yay me.

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free houseplants

I’m sure you guys have done this before…if not, do it. It’s fun and everyone’s doing it. šŸ˜‰

Take common houseplant-the Philodendron, you know the one…the one that is at every dentist,bank, doctor’s office waiting room, office desk…the one that is hearty. You’ll know it when you see it.

So, take a little snippet from the end of it, stick it in a pretty vase/jar/wine bottle/beer bottle…and fill it with water.

In a little bit, you will see a tiny root appear like this:

see it? how exciting. A free plant.

I’ve been on a houseplant kick lately…I have others than Philodendrons, and I should give y’all a botanical tour one day…

But when I have a hankering to have a new plant, and I don’t happen to have any loot to play with…this is what I do.

You can get free plants from a lot of species, violets, succulents, woody stemmed items…(rosemary is awesome to do)

Free stuff is fun.

This is the one I started the other day, I so love that container…it was a Goodwill find. Yep- I am a total Goodwill shopper. There are some treasures there. It’s like a garage sale store with no haggling. That’s just fine because I am terrible at haggling.Ā  Flea market sellers love me, because I’m always saying; “How much is this? Okay, I’ll take it.” Instead of “How much is this? I’ll give you a dollar.” Anyway, Goodwills rock. Go visit one. No, they’re not paying me to say that. I just think y’all should go out and explore…there is so much mass produced stuff at retailers-it’s nice to find that unique item nobody else has….for instance:

check ouy the copper kettle- ($3.09 ) and the blue vase (.79 )Heck…can’t beat that.

And this charming little cut glass number:

Another treasure for $1.49. Ooo, and check out that little root system. That’s a free plant there.

Like I said, free things are fun.

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