trinket boxes

I don’t know about you, but sometimes I end up with empty toilet paper rolls.

Does that ever happen to you?

I saw this nifty idea on Pinterest and had to do it.

That’s tissue paper. Yeah, I should have used another color.

It’s not rocket science.

Wrap, tape, fill and fold.


Spend more money on the gift instead of the “box”. 🙂


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dress project part one

I’m short. When people ask me “How tall are you?” I smile and say, “I’m not!”Needless to say, a lot of my clothing is too long. It needs trimming and hemming. The problem?  I don’t own a sewing machine and I am too lazy to stitch by hand….but, I found a nice loophole for that issue. Don’t get me wrong… I want a sewing machine. I just always “forget” to buy one.

SEW, (haha) I trimmed off a strip. And, that strip just happens to make an awesome hair tie/scarfy-thing)

To hide that unsightly cut edge of the dress… I used….

See that fancy trim? Pur-dee, huh?

You got it. I will post a part 2… once the “ok-to-wash fabric glue” dries.


I know, I have been a total slacker on this site. Well, folks it’s CRAFT SEASON! I mean that I will be making a lot of gifts this year since I’m broke  really really on a budget. 😉

And… I will share them with y’all.Along with what’s in the fridge, of course.

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covered boxes

I admit it, I’m a little weird sometimes.  For instance, I am currently saving used toilet paper rolls for an awesome holiday craft. Yes, I just said awesome and toilet in the same sentence. See… I’m a weirdo.

So, the other day, I found this box. It was one of those perfect boxes. It was just the right size and strength for magazines and books, and it happened to fit perfectly next to my computer desk. The problem? It was just a cardboard box, and honestly… it would look ghetto if I just left it like that. I’m sure you understand.

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cookie jar mix

Cookie jar mix!

Get a head start on hostess and holiday gifts!

To make these:

Using a funnel, add ingredients in the order listed into a clean quart sized glass jar. Pack in firmly. Cover with a tight fitting lid.

1 2/3 cups all purpose flour

3/4 teaspoon baking soda

1/4 teaspoon salt

1/2 cup white sugar

1 cup semi sweet chocolate chips

1/2 cup packed brown sugar.

Attach an instruction card using a ribbon and a hole punch on some heavy weight paper  or an index card.


In a separate bowl, combine :

1/2 cup softened butter

1/4 cup shortening

1 whole egg

1 egg yolk

1 teaspoon vanilla

Empty the jar contents to butter-egg mixture.

Drop by tablespoons onto parchment lined baking sheet, and bake in a preheated oven ( 350) for 8-10 minutes.

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sillhouette how to

This is a classic meaningful little gift idea. And… so easy. Hooray to easy. Cheap, too… hooray for cheap!

I did about 28 of these last week for my daughter’s class. The most challenging part was getting 4 year olds to “freeze” for 25-35 seconds. That’s  forever, when you’re four.
To make these, you’ll need:

black construction paper (large size, sold at craft stores-maybe the big super centers as well)


white heavyweight paper (same as above)

A kid, or whatever person you want to save on paper. Heck, you could even try your cat or dog…


glue product (stick is best)

clamp light or lamp without shade.


Tape black paper on a wall, and position a chair next to the wall. Place “subject” (kid) on the chair. Tell them to stay still and “freeze”.  😉

Place the light source approx  1 1/2 feet from subject,  you may have to adjust distance to capture the subject’s shadow on to the paper.

Trace the shadow using the white chalk.

Cut out and glue onto white sheet of paper. (You could also used colored paper, if desired…)


Don’t worry about it looking really bad when you first trace it, it looks MUCH better once you cut it out.

I was worried some of the kids (including my own) were going to look like shadow blobs, but.. they all came out looking like humans… yay!

I used regular scissors to cut the main shape, and a smaller pair to get more details, such as eyelashes and hair strands.

Glasses are hard, you’ll need to use manicure scissors to get the outline just right.

Don’t worry about tracing the shadow “perfect” ,  as you cut it out, you can round out any jagged lines you may have gotten.

The stiller the subject, the easier it is.

Use a minimal amount of liquid glue, so it doesn’t wrinkle the paper. (Glue stick works best)

Have fun and enjoy!

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what’s in the lunchbox

Crustless PB & J…cheese stick, grapes and cherry tomatoes…

and a little note with hearts and happy faces on it…since she can’t read yet.

Hearts and happy faces still get the point across, anyway.

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wet burritos

This is my husbands 2nd favorite meal.

I made it for him when he’s had a hard day, when I have screwed up…and sometimes when it’s rainy.

He calls them “fun-ritoes”

It brings out the 12 year old boy in him.

It makes awesome leftovers .

I posted the recipe for it a long time ago here.

And, I snapped this picture the last time I made it.

I was thinking of doing over the whole post and recipe, but I only had one pic, so instead I decided to just tell you what “fun-ritos” means in my little home.


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what’s in the fridge 8/3/11

Woah. It’s been a while since I did one of these.

But, that’s good – there’s more new stuff now. Yay.

Let’s do it court-room style!

Exhibit A: Mmm, strawberries. These babies were just 99¢. And, no they’re not all mushy.

Exhibit B: Is a cute little pitcher from Ikea. What’s inside of that pitcher? That happens to contain honey-vanilla syrup for my honey vanilla waffles.

Exhibit C: Two bowls of leftovers. One is green beans and one is spagetti-o’s. I was really lazy when I put them in the fridge.

Exhibit D: Salsa. Store bought, store brand, medium heat.

Exhibit E, F, Salsa: Store bought, fresh variety, medium and hot.

Exhibit G: Hard to see… I could tell you that they are shrunken heads from a tribe in the southwest region of the northwestern continent of Mars. But… you’d know I’d be lying typing. What do you call it if you’re lying but typing? Hmmm. Oh! They are avocados, by the way. Florida avocados.

Exhibit H: Oranges. That’s what happens when my 74-year-old mom goes to Costco. She buys a box of oranges, and realizes she really only wanted 3.

Exhibit I, J, and K: As you can see I finally drank some wine. That big bottle there? That is way too dry for my liking. So, I will have to cook up something with that. The other is a Pinot Noir that was a gift. Yes, I keep my reds chilled. It’s too damn hot to drink anything not chilled.  I’m sure you know what I mean. 🙂

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