Summer days 8 & 9

I decided to combine summer days 8 & 9, mainly since it fell on a weekend & also due to the fact it was Father’s day weekend…
At first, we contemplated going camping, but the 4 1/2 hour drive to our favorite camp site deterred us- we ended up doing the next best thing: pretended to be tourists in our own hometown ( and still steep in our own bed!) I made a little collage with a cool 1960’s filter effect~ perfect for cheesy tourist vibe.
I’m very lucky to live in Florida… not just for the beaches & weather… but because I found these on my morning walk:


I’m totally thinking about making a mango cobbler.

As far as the actual Father’s day went, my hubby’s only request was to get wings and a pitcher of beer at Hooter’s. I was actually surprised that all of the tables has kids & dads & moms at ’em. Maybe it was a Father’s day thing…hmmm.

Hubby surprised me with a little present, as well…

How cute is my new decal???

Since we were being tourists as well, we had to go to a seaside tourist shop and rescue a hermit crab. The salesgirl was shocked to learn that we’ve had the same one for over a year now…

We’re good crabby parents. 😉


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