dress project part one

I’m short. When people ask me “How tall are you?” I smile and say, “I’m not!”Needless to say, a lot of my clothing is too long. It needs trimming and hemming. The problem?  I don’t own a sewing machine and I am too lazy to stitch by hand….but, I found a nice loophole for that issue. Don’t get me wrong… I want a sewing machine. I just always “forget” to buy one.

SEW, (haha) I trimmed off a strip. And, that strip just happens to make an awesome hair tie/scarfy-thing)

To hide that unsightly cut edge of the dress… I used….

See that fancy trim? Pur-dee, huh?

You got it. I will post a part 2… once the “ok-to-wash fabric glue” dries.


I know, I have been a total slacker on this site. Well, folks it’s CRAFT SEASON! I mean that I will be making a lot of gifts this year since I’m broke  really really on a budget. 😉

And… I will share them with y’all.Along with what’s in the fridge, of course.

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